Boxomise: 1931 Morris 5 cwt Van

The goods yard on Boxomise needed a small delivery van.

This pre-war Morris van from Autocraft Models on ebay was perfect.

Here’s the build… Click on a photo for a larger image.

I stumbled across Autocraft Models on ebay by chance and I’m pleased I did.

They have a nice selection of models and decals. The van came with ‘Hovis’ decals but I liked Autocraft’s ‘Rowntree’s’ decals and I brought those separately.

I know you can buy lots of ready made 00 scale vehicles but I get a huge pleasure from making things. When I look at this model I get so much more pleasure than I would from looking at a ready-made model. There’s a little bit of me in each model I make πŸ™‚

It you’ve never tried a whitemetal kit, give it a go!

They are easy to assemble. Epoxy resin glues work well on them and give you sufficient ‘working time’ to position the pieces correctly. (More time than super glue!)

Autocraft’s models are simple and well made. They would be a great place to start if you fancy making your first ever whitemetal kit.

Go on, go on, go on.

Note: I’ve no connection to Autocraft Models – I’m just a happy customer sharing the love.


  1. That’s a nice little van. And you’ve reminded me that I have an Autocraft Austin 7 awaiting finishing, which I will now dig out.

    I have to agree regarding built versus ready made, even though the new raft of vehicles on the market are superb there’s nothing quite like a model vehicle that you’ve assembled yourself. Maybe it’s the time invested, or the fact that each hand built model is unique.

    Finally, I do like the dual identity of the van, smart thinking!


    • Hi Paul,
      Yes it’s a nice kit isn’t it and it’s so small it’s easy to find space for it , even on a compact layout. I think you are right. The time invested and the uniqueness lead to a lot of personal satisfaction when you make rather than build.
      I was very impressed with your scratchbuilt 006 flat wagon, especiallly that you made inside frames on such a small gauge. Looks great. And very unique. You must have got a lot of satisfaction from making that. (Here’s a link to Paul’s blog in case anyone is wondering what I’m talking about )
      The Autocraft Austin 7 might work well on your 006 layout πŸ™‚
      All the best


      • That tiny flat waggon has hopefully provided a template for further waggons, there are recurrently three more on the go with different bodies. What I want to make is a small rake of mine tubs once I’m happy with the design.

        As for the baby Austin, that may end up on the next layout (I have a plan in my head, but I need to make a working 6mm gauge point). I could find a home for a delivery van like yours as well.


      • Now I’m intrigued πŸ™‚ A series of wagons like that will be great. I admire you for taking on OO6, it feels like ‘micro-engineering’ to me!


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