Fathers Day for Modellers

Today is Fathers Day in England.

I was lucky to receive three pressies:

  • Wylde Sky Brewing American Pale Ale – A super beer, with great graphics, from a local ‘micro’ brewery based in Linton, Cambridgeshire
  • A really interesting book on the 18 inch (457mm) gauge railway at Doddings Watercress in Bere Regis, Dorset. Interesting text and lots of super pictures. I’m looking forward to reading this.
  • A ‘solder sucker’. I used one of these for the first time about 7 months ago and came home enthusing about it. To my surprise, now I own one. This will be useful, I tend to add too much solder!

Delightful Daugther knows me very well 🙂


  1. A very nice set of gifts Steve. I can see the ale and book being consumed in unison! If you can’t fully drain the ale bottle the desolderimg tool may come in useful to get the last drops out!

    I have made a bet with myself that the book may well inspire or have some bearing on your next layout build!



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